Rocky Posing for New Frame Ideas
Every show we get someone asking where our cat pictures are? Because of our name, Tin CAT Studio. It’s apparently very confusing and misleading for some people. In fact, at one show this past summer, we had a lady get quite irritated with us. She was going through all the bins of photos and after about 5 minutes asked where the cat pictures were? I told her we didn’t have any and she proceeded to chew me out for wasting her time. Why would we have cat in our name if we didn’t have any cat pictures?!? She huffed away. I’m not kidding. Within the next half hour we had two more women ask the same question. I then put up a sign at the front of the booth that says,- “Sorry- there are no actual cats in this booth.” For most people it gives them a chuckle, and for some it allows them to pass by and not waste their time. HA! Sigh…