Check out what is for sale HERE!
While we use many of the same photographs over and over, each piece of art is unique and different. Each one has different materials. If it is encaustic the wax behaves differently from day to day. Some days Lisa adds more texture or depth. Lisa has been playing more with added pan pastels and oil sticks. So while it may be the same photo, there may be more color or texture added to one compared to the other. The framing really depends on what is going on inside of Randy’s head at any given time and what materials are at his fingertips. So when we say each piece is unique- we mean it. See something you like, you may want to grab it while you can, because there will more than likely never be another like it. Below is a great example of the same but different.
All are listed under Art For Sale.
Making handmade art is quite a process and that process varies for all artists. Most people have no idea the amount of time, effort, tears, sweat and thought that goes into it. Society as a whole is becoming so far removed from “where things come from” that we have tv shows that fascinate viewers by the process behind the scenes. This is a glimpse into part of what goes into making a Tin Cat piece. We take our own photos, edit our own photos, print most of our own photos, cut the substrate to mount the photos on, then stain and prime those surfaces, glue the photos down by hand, then the encaustic process goes on after all that. We make our own frames using reclaimed materials which we find ourselves. We hope people will find the beauty and joy in what we do to create unique artwork and appreciate the time and creativity it takes. When you buy handmade, you are supporting the dreams of real people. Thank you.
I can't believe that in a year's time Randy has 400 pieces of art. Wow. While we use many of the same images, each frame is unique in it's own way. This is Revenant #400. It is an encaustic photograph mounted onto an old filing cabinet and framed using reclaimed wood. It measures 28" x 18 1/2". It is a really cool piece, and am sure it won't stick around for long.
This might be my most favorite of all. Hard to tell from the picture but the image is covered with encaustic wax and set into the frame, almost creating a shadow box effect. Randy used old white picket fence wood and made metal corners. It is one of my favorite images and there isn't much I do not like about this piece. Almost thinking I should keep it for the house...
(Update 3/9- I did not keep it and am regretting it. It was one of the first to sell at ArtisGras in Green Bay.)
Art Show acceptance and denial season is upon us. Most come in the form of email with the following heading "Name of Show" Notification. The email is opened and the first words you see are either "Congratulations!" or "Thank you for applying....yada yada yada... you suck... blah blah blah...." (O.k. it doesn't actually say "you suck", but that is the general feeling we get.)
This year we decided to put our self-esteem to the test and apply for some larger more nationally recognized shows. So far, well, we didn't have high expectations but the rejections hurt none-the-less. We have been accepted however into our first show in Michigan, Art Birmingham takes place outside of Detroit in May. I seriously hope to catch the tulips blooming across the state! They do bloom in May right?
New this year is also ArtisGras in Green Bay in March. We had a good show last year back in August in Packer country and are happy to be back. We also plan to be back in Sturgeon Bay, Excelsior and Edina. You can see where and when we will be throughout the region on our EVENTS page. I will list them as they come in. There are 8 listed now, hoping to add more in the next few months.
With art show season creeping up and Mother Nature confused about what season it actually is, it has spurred Randy on to start creating new frames for the new season. And why start small? This guy weighs in at about 12 pounds and measures 30" x 30". Maybe not the piece you want hanging above your bed, but it is a stunner and will look great wherever you can locate a stud to hang it on ;) We believe this version of Rough Draft will be entered into the March Wood & Metal show, at ArtZ Gallery located in Amery, WI.
Stay tuned. And hey, if it makes it easier, you can subscribe to the right ----> to have an email sent whenever a new post is well...posted.
Be well :)