New This Week
Go to Art For Sale and check out what’s new.
LIVE Sale!
Join us for another Facebook LIVE Sale!
New This Week
YouTube Baby!
Holy Cats!
We bit the bullet and now have a YouTube Channel. You can watch our first installment now. Stay tuned for more…
A Sorta Art Show!
That darn, tiny little mutant Covid-19 took out all of our Spring and most of our Summer art shows. We were invited to participate in a small, local junk show in Clayton, WI called Rickety Chickety. Our imagery and framing usually pairs well with fine junk, so we gave it a try. Boy we were in for a heck of a nice surprise and successful weekend. People were happy to be out and about and have something “normal” to do. Don’t worry, the folks were respectful and all that.
Live Sale #3
With a change of times comes a change of ways if you want to stay in business. Our last two Facebook Lives were a smashing success, so might as well keep on keeping on. Besides having cool stuff, I hear I am quite entertaining. Trust me, I don't try, just naturally a dork I guess.
Hope you can join us!
~Lisa (and Randy too)
New this week!
Check out what is for sale HERE!
Facebook Live Sale!
Round 2. Theme is Vintage.
Our spring vintage show cancelled and it's time to let go of the things we held onto for it. PLUS, we will sell our vintage inspired art. Think images of old trucks, tractors, barns, windmills etc.
Will be a Facebook Live event on our page @ Tin Cat Studio. Tune in there to watch and purchase.
Shipping will be available on some items, otherwise driveway pick-up at our place. Please SHARE and invite your friends to watch. Thank you!